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AstroNavigator for Star Gazing

AstroNavigator for Star Gazing

Postby VitOl » Mar 12, 2008 @ 12:51pm

AstroNavigator for Star Gazing
All-stars-in-hand application updated!

12th March, 2008 – VITO Technology releases a new version of AstroNavigator. It has become faster and more user-friendly. Updated AstroNavigator provides a wealth of new features. While setting up time you can immediately observe the star sky changing in accordance with your location and the time you set up. Pointing your location on the Earth is much easier on the scalable map and can be also done by selecting a town.

The users will be pleasantly surprised at how fast new AstroNavigator works. The loading time has been sped up significantly, the search of stars, constellations, towns is realised much quicker. The information about a star, constellation or planet can be seen in a separate window, where the animated image of the chosen object is provided together with the astronomical data. This prevents the main window from cluttering with info.

The possibility to watch stars not only above you but from any place on the Earth has been realized differently than in previous version. Now besides a more thorough scalable map of the Earth where you can choose any place there is an opportunity to choose a town from where you want to gaze at stars. The list of town names is pretty huge, so there is T9 search available. In a matter of seconds you find yourself in any place on the Earth and watch the stars that are seen from this place.

What is more, you can choose the moment for star gazing. The special setting for changing time allows you to put the year, month, date, hours and minutes. Isn't it cool to travel in time and space seeing the changes around you? Watch the stars at any time from any place on the Earth!

AstroNavigator is available for $19.95 at and

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