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GapiDraw .NET Problems?

PostPosted: Jan 30, 2006 @ 11:57pm
by Fro
I have been experimenting with GapiDraw using the Intuitex Compact Framework GapiDraw wrapper. I am doing my testing on an iPAQ running PocketPC 2003. So far I have been simply using the provided samples and the problems I see are... (1) It appears as though stylus clicks while processed by the sample also pass through the app. I can hit the start menu behind the sample and launch iexplorer! (2) The sample appears to exit cleanly but the start menu is not redrawn correctly after exiting.

I do not have either of these problems using the native samples. Is this a known problem? Is there a simple workaround? I believe I'm using the 3.01 version of the CF wrapper. Does anyone else have a compact framework wrapper of GapiDraw that they would like to recommend?

Thank you,


PostPosted: Jan 31, 2006 @ 2:28pm
by Kiyote