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Drawing a font with ClearType?

PostPosted: Mar 28, 2006 @ 7:35pm
by davidboydca
I can display normal text just fine with GapiDraw.

I do the following using CGapiDisplay::CreateOffscreenDisplay():


Now, I'm trying to show ClearType. I set the flag like so:

logFont.lfQuality = CLEARTYPE_QUALITY;

and my ensured my phone (MPX220) can support it by turning it only globally.

However, I just see normal text, not ClearType.

I found this on Google Groups:
What's the bit depth of the bitmap you're creating? FYI on CE if you try to draw antialiased or cleartype text to a memory dc, it must have a bitmap from CreateCompatibleBitmap selected into it (it has to match the bit depth and color masks of the primary), otherwise it'll draw draft text.

So, is the bitmap that GapiDraw uses created using CreateCompatibleBitmap() or does it use some other bitdepth?


PostPosted: May 4, 2006 @ 2:39am
by norwy