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Where 24bit graphics get converted to 16bit graphics?

PostPosted: Nov 4, 2006 @ 9:39pm
by Bunkai
Hello, I am new to GapiDraw, because so far I used PocketHAL and created all the libraries by myself.

I know that GapiDraw support more graphics fonts but they are all 24-bit. On the other hand, majority of PocketPCs support 16bit (565) graphics.

Say I create graphics for PocketPC - a sprite map for example. My output from photoshop will be 24bit .png file. Where that file gets transformed to 16bit graphics format? is that 24 bit file stored in PocketPC and get trasnformed to 16bit in realtime? I have developed my own conversin routines and my own 16bit 565 file format, that cooperated with my PocketHAL libraries. I know, it took a lot of computer time, to do the conversion.

My question is, if the data get converted from 24bit to 16bit during game play, does it not put too much system requirements, and does it not slow the game down? Should not I develop some kind of 16bit file format for GAPIDraw? Indeed, is that doable for GAPIDraw?

Thank you very much,

Re: Where 24bit graphics get converted to 16bit graphics?

PostPosted: Nov 5, 2006 @ 7:33pm
by Johan

PostPosted: Nov 5, 2006 @ 8:36pm
by Bunkai