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Is GapiDraw based on GAPI hardware access library?

PostPosted: Nov 8, 2006 @ 6:37pm
by Bunkai
I know, that the name of GapiDraw suggests it, that GapiDraw uses GAPI to access PocketPC hardware. However, is that still true, or after some time, GapiDraw abandoned using GAPI and started using its own libraries to access video Ram of PocketPC devices?

PostPosted: Nov 10, 2006 @ 11:39pm
by Johan
GapiDraw always tries to not use GAPI on PocketPC 2003 and newer devices.


PostPosted: Nov 10, 2006 @ 11:54pm
by Bunkai
Hello Johan,

Thank you for responding to all my questions. Indeed, a year ago, I compared GAPI to PocketHAL, and PocketHAL was faster approximatelly by 30%.

Do you have any up to date numbers how current version of GapiDraw 3.6 stands to PocketHAL 0.7.7?

With regards,

PostPosted: Nov 11, 2006 @ 6:30pm
by Johan

PostPosted: Nov 18, 2006 @ 3:00am
by Bunkai
Hello John,

could I kindly ask, what devices stop using GAPI? What abou WindowsMobile 2003, do they still require gx.dll - that is GAPI, to copy the backbuffer to RAM?

What about probably the fastest HP iPAQ 4700hx? Does it still require GAPI to run GAPIDraw, or can GAPIDraw avoid it?

Thank you, and with regards,