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GapiDraw heavy memusage and possible 8bit surfaces ?

PostPosted: Aug 14, 2002 @ 10:29pm
by Blacky

PostPosted: Aug 15, 2002 @ 1:02am
by Hosed

PostPosted: Aug 15, 2002 @ 1:18am
by Blacky

PostPosted: Aug 15, 2002 @ 11:13am
by Hosed
Like I said, you can still implement this yourself thanks to getbuffer/releasebuffer. It's actually not that difficult and the performance hit may not affect your game all that much. Also, the performance hit somewhat nullifies it self due to the reduced memory traffic.

You've other options as well though. Reduce the framerate of your graphics, introduce a dynamic caching mechanism (Sprite Pool as I like to call it) reduce the size of the graphics (As in width/height) etc.