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How to manage MS Visual Studio and eVC++?

PostPosted: Aug 29, 2002 @ 6:14am
by efortier

PostPosted: Aug 29, 2002 @ 11:19am
by Hosed

PostPosted: Aug 29, 2002 @ 7:25pm
by efortier
Now I know what I need to do.


PostPosted: Aug 30, 2002 @ 3:51am
by efortier
:evil: :evil: :evil: Ok... Now I'm about to check in to a mental institution... :evil: :evil: :evil:

Using VC++ .Net, I can load and compile every single demo that comes with GapiDraw 1.04.

But if I:

- Create a new Win32 project
- Add the gapidraw/lib, gapidraw/include paths
- Add gapidraw/lib/xp/gd104.lib
- Add all the files of my old project to the new project

And then if I build the project, everything compiles correctly, but i get 6 or 7 of these:

Minimal error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: long __thiscall CGapiSurface::CreateSurface(unsigned short const *)" (__imp_?CreateSurface@CGapiSurface@@QAEJPBG@Z) referenced in function "public: void __thiscall TFonts::LoadFonts(void)" (?LoadFonts@TFonts@@QAEXXZ)

No other error message. The ".lib" seems to have been loaded correctly. The erors are for CreateSurface, DrawTextW and CreateFontW. None of the other GapiDraw calls give me these messages.

Is there something I should do to have this build correctly? I'm really really about to blow!



PostPosted: Aug 30, 2002 @ 3:52am
by DillRye
Are you sure your using the correct GapiDraw.h? I accidently switched them up once. For my projects all i pretty much do is create a hello world project, link the lib and copy/paste my code in.

Otherwise throw the lib in your project dir and see what happens.....