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creating own fonts

PostPosted: Oct 9, 2002 @ 2:38pm
by flavia

PostPosted: Oct 10, 2002 @ 8:28pm
by MadcapMac
I'll give it a shot.

Go to GapiDraw/misc/MetalShard Fontmaker/Release and run the executable there.

The app loads with a sample font. Hit the new button (looks like a blank sheet) and the font selector dialog pops up. Select the font you want and the font parameters and hit "OK". It creates the bitmap image for the font you chose. Under "File", select "Save to clipboard". Open your fav graphics proggie and hit Ctrl-V. You should see your font bitmap. Save this as one of the Gapi acceptable graphic formats.

In your code, create an instance of the CGapiBitmapFont class.

Call the following using the instance you created:

Call CGapiBitmapFont::CreateSurface() and pass it the bitmap font you created before.

Call CGapiBitmapFont::SetColorKey() to set the transparency.

Call CGapiBitmapFont::CreateFont().

Now in your backbuffer.DrawText call, use the method that takes the bitmap font as an argument.

Good luck and have fun!

PostPosted: Oct 11, 2002 @ 10:18am
by flavia