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Pocket Programming Language 1.52 has been released!

Pocket Programming Language 1.52 has been released!

Postby kornalius » Sep 16, 2008 @ 9:01pm

After many months, it has finally arrived. The long awaited v1.52 of the Pocket Programming Language is here. This new version fixes a lot of memory leaks, bugs and has some new optimization and features.

Here is change log:

09.16.2008 1.52
- Renamed function Inherited to DefWndProc.
- New ToByte() function.
- New ToShort() function.
- New IndexOf() and cIndexOf() functions to easily search a list item value (cIndexOf is case sensitive).
- New DelEx(listvar$, index$) to delete a list item at a specific index location.
- Tons of object-oriented engine fixes and optimization.
- New FillEach() function to fill each element of a struct, array, matrix, string or list with a specified value.
- New AddEx() function to allow to create a specified number of blank list elements.
- Changed #inherited operator to inheritcall function.
- New #class syntax when inheriting from another class. #class <classname> inherit <classname>
- Fixed Private and Public functions in multiple object class definitions.
- Fixed bug in Reg_SetKeyValue() function in Registry.ppl library.
- Fixed many GameAPI functions execution speed related to update modes introduced in 1.40.
- Fixed passing list offsets as parameters.
- Fixed struct of struct freing of memory issue.
- Fixed issue with Main and WinMain function naming internally.
- New InheritCall() function to inherit a function call in an object.
- New GameAPI event processing mode. GA_PEEKONLY (default) and GA_WAITFOREVENT which waits for a system event before continuing game cycle.
- New functions: g_SetCycleMode() and g_CycleMode().
- Updated Tiny-Rex library to latest (1.3) to fix some regular expressions bugs.
- Changed Search() function to Search(expr$, string$) -> string$
- Changed SubExp() funciton to SubExp(string$, index$) -> string$
- g_TextOut(), if X value is passed, alignment is relative to it.
- Fixed Int() and Str() functions to remove variable information from the stack.
- Call() function has been fixed not to leak items on the stack.
- Some stack handling fixes.
- #declare, #declareapi, #c_declare, #c_declareapi allow to add parameters at the end within ().
- WaitForInput has a new parameter to process events normally.
- Fixed some issues with game collision detection.
- Lots of internal functions with output parameters accepts array offsets now.
- Fixed Sort() function descending order for string types.
- Fixed ForEach() with array variables to copy string information properly.
- Support for unsigned short has been added via TUSHORT.
- Rewrote internal garbage collector to be more accurate and stable.
- Fixed memory leaks in +=, -=, *=, /=, ++, --, Delete(), Insert(), Replace(), ReplaceEx(), Strip(), Change(), Match(), Search(), NewForm(), NewFormEx(), NewControl().
- Fixed PASM ppl opcode.
- Added g_rvalue(), g_gvalue(), g_bvalue() functions to obtain R G B color values in 565 format.
- New g_rgb565() to convert r,g,b values from 565 color format.
- New GetRValue(), GetGValue(), GetBValue() functions.

Download it here:

You can purchase the Pro edition here: ... geCart.htm

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Best regards,

The ArianeSoft Team
ArianeSoft Inc.
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