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embedded C++ and Visual C++ 2005 porting

PostPosted: Sep 2, 2006 @ 7:20pm
by iamacooldude
Does anyone have good pointers on converting projects from embedded visual C++ to Visual C++ 2005? I have used the migration wizard, but it still won't compile after that. Are there any settings I need to change?

PostPosted: Sep 5, 2006 @ 4:54pm
by Conan
I have been there done it etc a few months back.
I get my own game and all the demos to build plus use of Hekkus / HAL etc.

Figuring things out took me many days but I'm not the brightest coder on the planet.

Firstly there are posts on this forum about the changes so a search will yeild a lot of info.

If you can be specific about what does not compile / link etc I can be of more help.