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Taking advantage of faster PNG load/display

PostPosted: Nov 29, 2006 @ 3:57am
by Jeffer
I'm looking for a quick fix to reduce the time/memory required to load and display PNG files. This only seems to affect VGA (I'm assuming just because of the file size differences its not as noticable with QVGA). I'm currently using 2.6 but understand that 2.8 and possibly 2.9 include improvements that may help me. I'm only displaying PNG files with BltFast and either E2DSurface or E2DSurfaceRGBA surfaces depending on the particular need.

How do I need to change these calls, or what new calls do I need to add to take advantage of the new faster routines? Or should I only have to rebuild? Which doesn't seem to help at all.

PostPosted: Nov 29, 2006 @ 12:13pm
by edge

PostPosted: Nov 29, 2006 @ 4:02pm
by Jeffer
Yes I did a rebuild all with 2.9 but since it didn't seem to have any effect I was wondering if there were actually code changes I had to make to take advantage of the new features or if they were behind the scenes and should just get built in.

Yes, the PNG's are packed in EPK's

PostPosted: Nov 29, 2006 @ 5:00pm
by edge
Hi Jeffer,

You may try to disable compression when adding .png pictures to your .EPK file to increase loading performance and decrease used memory.

If there are many files in the package (for example, more than 25) you can also get a speedup by using PackBuildIndex on the .EPK file (don't forget to delete the index pointer when closing the package).