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PostPosted: Jan 25, 2007 @ 11:45am
by mimispa
Hallo Edge,
I have some final questions
1) How can i pack sound files with Edge Packages? I tried with the same code of other packages with Edge but sound files not loaded.
2) When i use bluetooth with Symbian phones and the phone (as server) is connect with a device (as client), if the phone ring (incoming call) then the application crash. How can i handle this?

PostPosted: Jan 25, 2007 @ 4:48pm
by edge
Hi Mimispa,

1. You should be able to pack sound files, just like any other file. Can you tell me what exactly goes wrong (finding the file in the EPK, reading it or loading it through the sound class?)

2. This is an error that shouldn't happen. We will investigate and let you know when we know more.

PostPosted: Jan 26, 2007 @ 11:31am
by edge
We've found the cause of the Bluetooth crash on Symbian. It was a problem with receiving data while being minimized.

This bug will be fixed for Edge release 3.0

PostPosted: Jan 26, 2007 @ 11:53am
by mimispa
Hi Edge,
About the first question.
When i try to pack the sound files the problem was when playing the file. The sound was a very long beep.
So, i was able to find the file in the EPK, read it and load it through the sound class, but when the sound class try to play the file then sound a very long beep and the application crashed.

Unfortunately i don't have right now the source code but i'm sending you a similar code (i tried this code with sound class) for load_surface_from_pack that works fine (with surfaces).

bool ClassMain::load_surface_from_pack(ClassEFile *filepack,char *filename, E2DSurface *surface,ClassEDisplay *source_display)
bool load_result=true;
unsigned char *filedata;
unsigned long filedatasize,fileid;
if (filepack->PackSearchFile(filename,fileid))
int apotelesma=filepack->PackGetFileData(filedata,filedatasize,fileid);
if (apotelesma==E_OK)
if (apotelesma!=E_OK){load_result=false;}
return load_result;

Thanks for your reply!

PostPosted: Jan 26, 2007 @ 12:13pm
by mimispa
About the second question!
I had in my mind to try some things (for the bluetooth problem) in this weekend.
If you think i can not do anything about it please let me know.
Also let me know if i can help in solving the problem (until you release the new version).

PostPosted: Jan 26, 2007 @ 2:10pm
by edge
Hi Mimispa,

When loading sound files, it's usually not needed to deallocate the pointer. It only needs to be allocated if the load sound function returns an error. This is because the Hekkus sound library uses the data in this pointer, and doesn't create a copy.

About Bluetooth:
Would you like sending us an e-mail (info at edgelib dot com or through the contact form at Then we can provide you a patched version.

PostPosted: Jan 26, 2007 @ 4:14pm
by mimispa