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Release History

Release History

Postby Sergio » Nov 28, 2006 @ 8:32pm

Since our first release on October 12th, we've delivered several updates and new features for GledPlay. Here you have a complete list of them.

12/06/2006 - BUILD 253

FIX: Bug on GledSave resolving wrong ../../ path fixed.
FIX: Bug on panels drawing relative rects fixed.
FIX: Bug on isPointInRect, fixed.

11/29/2006 - BUILD 245

NEW FEATURE: Added support for Ogg/Theora, a video codec competing with XviD, DivX, and similar technologies.
NEW FEATURE: Automatic handling of video subtitles with the new SubtitledVideo class, using a SubRip (.srt) file.
NEW FEATURE: new generic HashMap class in Utility namespace, ideal for storing a set of surfaces or sounds.
NEW FEATURE: a new eof method was added to the File class.

11/20/2006 - BUILD 240

NEW FEATURE: GledPlay can now control your game state! It's done using new StateMachine, State, and EventHandler classes.
DOC: GledApplication Module created.
DOC: "All classes list" added.
DOC: Fixed some broken links on Sound class reference.

11/18/2006 - BUILD 235

PERFORMANCE: OGG playback performance was increased on PPC.
FIX: Bug on mono ogg playback.
FIX: Bug on ogg playback when method play was called twice.
FIX: Bug on ogg playback, sometimes the method stop was pausing the song, not stoping it.

11/17/2006 - BUILD 229

FIX: Bug introduced to fillRect on build 228 with non default opacity values was fixed.

11/13/2006 - BUILD 228

NEW FEATURE: Support for High Resolution Devices (VGA on PPC, QVGA on SP, and high res square screen devices).
NEW FEATURE: Pocket PCs and Smartphones with square screens are now supported.
PERFORMANCE: GledPlay does not depend on GAPI anymore! performance greatly improved on modern devices. Performance Video playback is now up to 20% faster.
PERFORMANCE: Surface::fillRect is up to 91% faster.
PERFORMANCE: Several minor performance improvements.
FIX: Panel bug on eVC project fixed.
FIX: SetFilePointer workaround implemented for SDK bug on emulators.

11/06/2006 - BUILD 217

NEW FEATURE: New Fps class for a more reliable and complete frame rate control, and performance query.
NEW FEATURE: New skipNextFrame method on Video class.
NEW FEATURE: PPC 2000 ARM, MIPS, and SH3 are now supported.
DOC: Added de create method with (File*) parameter from GledSave to Surface, Sound, and Video.
DOC: Changes on how to create a project from scratch
DOC: Getting started tutorial updated.
DOC: Improvet Animation class docs.
FIX: Linking problem on eVC PPC2002 project of InitialApplication template.
FIX: OGG resampling error
FIX: Memory leak on Wav loading.

10/30/2006 - BUILD 195

NEW FEATURE: New Animation class. See
NEW FEATURE: New Panel class. See
NEW FEATURE: New readLine method to load TCHAR strings from ascii files.
DOC: New examples and error fixes in the GledSave docs.
DOC: Added section about mpeg2video encoding.
DOC: The InitialApplication template project, is using the bZoomX2 and dwDesktopDisplayMode as an usage example.
DOC: Error fixes in Surface docs
FIX: Coords on stylus events where duplicated with bZoomX2 turned on

10/23/2006 - BUILD 182

FIX: Relative paths on zip files.
FIX: Some corrections on Surface docs.

10/22/2006 - BUILD 176

NEW FEATURE: Fullscreen on desktop PC
NEW FEATURE: X2 Zoom in windowed mode on desktop PC
PERFORMANCE: Surface memory allocation optimized
FIX: error when window width had a odd value on desktop PC
FIX: rotated screen when width was equal to height on desktop PC
FIX: Relative paths are now always relative to the GledPlay.dll file. The current execution folder doesn't care (It's better this way for running from IDE)

10/21/2006 - BUILD 161

FIX: broken image links in docs
FIX: relative paths issues with GledSave and GledVideo
Sergio Fierens

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