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Religions really do emerge out of thin air

PostPosted: Mar 26, 2006 @ 7:49pm
by Andy

Saw this on fark, and thought of you guys.

A lot of you are university students so you should be able to get at the source article itself for free. I found it in a ScienceDirect database. It's only 4.5 pages (plus one page of references).

PostPosted: Mar 27, 2006 @ 2:32am
by Brig

I vaguely remember reading that "spirituality" and the appearance of the use mind-altering substances occur at about the same point in human history. =P

PostPosted: Mar 27, 2006 @ 4:50pm
by James S
Ghandi was a pot smoking jiggalo, and Hinduism began thanks to mushrooms named soma that brought one closer to the realm of the gods ... i.e. allowed prolific halucination.