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Trade Paperbacks

Trade Paperbacks

Postby Brig » May 4, 2006 @ 5:35am

I was giving it some thought today, and I realized I'm worried about what will happen to my books. I've got a lot of trade paperbacks, which seem to be an unfortunate combination of the worst aspects of hardcovers and paperbacks with a compromise on price which has more to do with reaping larger profits than benefiting the consumer. Trade paperbacks are as large as hard bound books and have large and widely spaced vertical text. I find this annoying because it takes longer to read a book when my eyes have to travel further to take in the same amount of information; also, I can't take as many words in with each fixation of my eyes. I've found that they're only slightly more durable than standard paperbacks, but I'm not sure if this is due to their construction, or that they won't fit in the back pocket of my jeans and generally are ackward to carry around when I'm out and about.

I think trade paperbacks suck.
Truth is a possession.
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<font color=purple>Bombastic Brig</font>
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