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Tmpgenc woes =(

Tmpgenc woes =(

Postby pfoshee » Mar 26, 2001 @ 7:05pm

I've been trying to convert an ASF i have of Starwars (episode V) to MPG for PocketTV with tmpgenc... i WAS using beta 12a, and everything was fine, except the sound kept getting screwed up.. it would drop out every now and then, and sounded choppy (it wasnt that player that was doing this.. i know it was the encoder) cuz the source file was fine, and every MPG player on my comp did the same thing... everythings fine for a while.. sound drops out for a while.. comes back.. drops out.. etc... through the whole thing... I then figured maybe there's a better/newer version.. so i got beta 12d.... well.. this one does the same thing with the sound, but its even worse now, because instead of taking 2 hours to encode the movie like normal, it says that its going to take like 48hours (with ALL the same settings etc...)<br><br>anyone have any suggestions??? like a DIFFERENT encoder thats freeware... <br><br>Im have a casio e-125 if that helps someone come up with a better solution... <br><br>thanx,<br>-phil

Re: Tmpgenc woes =(

Postby Moose or Chuck » Mar 27, 2001 @ 2:46pm

Maybe you should change the sound settings before you encode, make sure the bitrate is high enough.
Moose or Chuck

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