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PocketFrog Beginner's Guide

PostPosted: Jun 9, 2002 @ 1:08pm
by Conan
I have now set up a PocketFrog page to hold the index of PocketFrog articles as I product them. The first article is already available.

15 June 2002: a second chapter to my beginner's guide for PocketFrog has been added covering the PocketPC emulators and the VC6++ PC desktop emulator.
Chapter 1 has been updated to reflect the additions to 0.5.2 Blit.

New chapter online

PostPosted: Jun 16, 2002 @ 8:41am
by Conan
I have finished my second article covering emulators and PocketFrog.

I have worked through reading hard buttons but it's pretty easy so I will cover this in a general commands chapter sometime. Using GDI functions & TEXT also seem simple enough.

Now I am working on screen input via an on-screen keyboard which may lead to another chapter. I'm using alpha blending & line drawing to make the little keys depress when tapped and it works really well.

Chapter 3 - inputs & outputs

PostPosted: Jun 21, 2002 @ 6:19pm
by Conan
The next chapter of my PocketFrog beginner's guide is online. This covers the hard buttons & stylus plus GDI text including how to select & use true type fonts.

Chapter 4 is about graphics & goes beyond the Blit demo to show simple sprite animation, alpha blending & screen snapshots. This will be ready in 7 to 10 days

Enjoy PocketFrog

PostPosted: Jun 29, 2002 @ 11:26pm
by BurningSheep
Hey Conan, just wanted to let you know that your tut on gdi fonts was _very_ helpful to me.

mucho gracias :!:

Chapter 4 is now available

PostPosted: Jul 6, 2002 @ 4:27pm
by Conan
My overview of sprite animation using PocketFrog is now available
Chapter 4 includes my first ever use of a class to demonstrate a simple sprite animation system. The demo project is included and covers loading images & initialising the sprites, animation, scrolling backgrounds, collision detection ( 2 methods shown ) & alpha blending.


2 further chapters are planned but they won't be written until I complete a separate 3D project.

PostPosted: Jul 8, 2002 @ 7:06pm
by Kzinti
Great job Conan!

I haven't had time to try your Caveman sample yet, I am kinda busy these days...

Can I use it as yet another sample for the next release of PocketFrog?


Using the sample

PostPosted: Jul 8, 2002 @ 7:44pm
by Conan
Please feel free to utilise this demo as a sample. You better peek at the code first to see that you think it makes sense. it's very heavily commented.

I also have a star field working which might make a nice sample.

PostPosted: Jul 8, 2002 @ 8:17pm
by Kzinti
If you want to submit your Starfield demo, send it to my email address... Or is it avail somewhere?

Starfiled demo

PostPosted: Jul 8, 2002 @ 8:39pm
by Conan
I will e-mail the source once I get a chance

( I also know what busy is )
