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GapiDraw 3.5 Bug - Creating Surface in Symbian Thread

PostPosted: May 27, 2005 @ 10:23am
by Dynz

PostPosted: Jun 5, 2005 @ 12:17pm
by Guest

PostPosted: Jun 9, 2005 @ 10:43am
by Dynz
I have tried creating a surface in a thread using mbm file as follows

void CMyApplication::StartAppThreadFunctionL(TAny* aParam) {
CMyApplication *engine = static_cast<CMyApplication*>(aParam);


engine->gsBigThumbnail = new CGapiSurface(engine->m_pGapiDraw);
hr = engine->gsBigThumbnail->CreateSurface(GDSURFACE_SYSTEMMEMORY, szPath,0); ...

When I try to access the engine->gsBigThumbnail in my main process as shown below the program crashes.

hr = pSurface->BltFast(10, 10, gsBigThumbnail, NULL, GDBLTFAST_KEYSRC, NULL);

If I initialise gsBigThumbnail = new CGapiSurface(m_pGapiDraw); in the main process then the line above doesn't crash but returns err GDERR_NOTINITIALIZED. In the thread the CreateSurface returns GD_OK, so I'm assuming it is created fine.

My thread is created as follows:

TInt res = KErrNone;
User::LeaveIfError( res = ProcessPhotos.Create( _L("ProcessPhotos") ,CMyApplication::StartAppThreadFunction, 16384,1024*1024,1024*1024,this)); ProcessPhotos.SetPriority(EPriorityNormal);

TInt CMyApplication::StartAppThreadFunction(TAny* aParam) {
CTrapCleanup * cleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
TInt err;
if( cleanup == NULL )
err = KErrNoMemory;
TRAP( err, StartAppThreadFunctionL(aParam) );
delete cleanup;
return err;

Please advise

ErrRd works this way

PostPosted: Sep 13, 2005 @ 9:10am
by none