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Gapidraw 3.71 , Minimal program exampl don't run into win CE

Gapidraw 3.71 , Minimal program exampl don't run into win CE

Postby Martincillo » Jun 24, 2008 @ 11:08pm

Good afternoon

I have to problems when try to run the example program called Minimal... I had VS 2008 and its compile any problems,.. but qhen try to run into windows ce 5 or 4.5 don't work.

I tried copy to gx.dll into the \windows directory into de Win CE, ( I selected the libraries of GAPi contianed in MIPS) but the system response that don't found the minimal program or ine of its components

What Happend?

Could you help me?

Martin Jimenez
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Posts: 1
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Postby Johan » Jun 24, 2008 @ 11:15pm


First of all. Do you use a MIPS CPU? I would guess you are using an ARM compatible CPU. Try that one. If that one doesn't work, try

GapiDraw still uses gx.dll to lock the hardware keys of the device. So you need a gx.dll file for GXOpenInput and GXCloseInput.

If you check how gx.h looks you could probably make one such file yourself with these two functions, if the file from does not work.

Johan Sanneblad, M.Sc, Ph.D
GapiDraw Systems Architect
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