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App not activated correctly.

PostPosted: Jan 19, 2006 @ 2:15pm
by russose

I am tiring to port Blender on pocketpc and it begins to really work ( I use OpenGL ES and compiled blender both on PocketPC but also on my PC.

When I run it (on PocketPC or PC), I loose the control of the application after ONE clic…Blender is not reacting anymore… if I clic on the “windows key” and then activate the Blender window… everything work good again!! ??? The same behaviour on my PocketPC! I need to program an hardware button for the today screen toactivate the Blender Window…

I tried ShowWindows, WindowPos but no sucess...

Do someone has an idea?


PostPosted: Jan 19, 2006 @ 3:13pm
by Dan East
You might not be handling the WM_LBUTTONUP properly. I seem to remember in the past handling a button down message but not button up (or vice versa) and that caused some problems.

Also, it might be calling SetCapture to capture mouse input, but not releasing it with ReleaseCapture (which should be called when handling WM_LBUTTONUP).

Dan East

PostPosted: Jan 19, 2006 @ 3:31pm
by russose
Thanks Don east.

Two precisons:
1) it only happens once... I mean for the first clic… then everything works fine.
I read that GetCursor position was not working for pocketpc so I only used LOWORD(lParam) and HIWORD(lParam).

I will have a better look if SetCapture is used somewhere…

2) If I create my window with the WS_VISIBLE or VISIBLE| WS_POPUP the problem is there for Win32… if I use the only style WS_POPUP, it works perfectly for Win32… but for PocketPC, then it doesn’t works!! It seems that for PocketPC, I can only use WS_VISIBLE to make Blender work…

Thanks for your help,

PostPosted: Jan 19, 2006 @ 5:47pm
by Dan East

PostPosted: Jan 23, 2006 @ 1:31pm
by russose