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GetFontHeight - DrawFontWrap question

PostPosted: Mar 18, 2008 @ 8:29pm
by yucani
Is it possible to find out the height and width of a text drawn by DrawFontWrap on a screen? If yes, wich font is used to calculate?

PostPosted: Mar 20, 2008 @ 10:13am
by edge

i tried and this are my results:

PostPosted: Mar 21, 2008 @ 10:17am
by yucani
after creating the font , i run following code:

char dst[89], src[89];
ulong w,h;
estrcpy(src,"alles wird gut, und noch viel besser");
font.PrepareFontWrap(dst, src, 100);

the results:
alles wird gut, und
noch viel besser

so the GetFontWidth ignores the wrap, but after counting the CR in the dest string one is able to find out the real hight.
Does i understand the procedure correct?

PostPosted: Mar 21, 2008 @ 11:11am
by edge