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Port to Android

PostPosted: Nov 3, 2010 @ 10:11am
by maskin
Hello again. :)
I have found some intresting infromation about port of EDGELIb-based game to Android platform. It was in 2007!!!
What about now? Can you give some advice how to port EDGE C++ code to Google NDK?
I think you have bigger information about working EDGELib code on Android platform than us :wink:
Please tell us all the truth :)

Re: Port to Android

PostPosted: Nov 5, 2010 @ 2:16pm
by edge
Android support is still on our radar.


Re: Port to Android

PostPosted: Dec 23, 2010 @ 5:46am
by totoch
Hello edge,

An expected time for Android support would be very appreciated here. :)
Indeed, some people here have businesses that depend on the edgelib, and it's quite hard to have any long-term view of what we're doing/where we're going, without information on your side about when to expect which feature.

Re: Port to Android

PostPosted: Jan 6, 2011 @ 2:40pm
by edge
Hi Totoch,
Unfortunately we cannot give any further comments on this at this point.
