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Starting with EDGELIB

Starting with EDGELIB

Postby aletz87 » May 3, 2011 @ 10:43pm

hi everybody,
I recently started to work with this library (3.988) and I was trying to build the helloworld project example, but when I compiled by command line i get the same mistake

"#error Edge only supports the following platforms: Symbian (Series 60, 80, 90 & UIQ), Windows Mobile (Pocket PC & Smartphone), Linux (Desktop, GP2X), Windows Desktop"

At first I worked with s60 5th edition so later I changed it to s60 3rd edition but nothing.

I was checking on edgedevices.h, and I was wondering if I can change or add any line of code to make compilation able or anything else.

Thanks in advance
Yours, Alex.
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Re: Starting with EDGELIB

Postby edge » May 4, 2011 @ 11:18am

Hi Alex,

Please refer the Getting Started with Symbian tutorial on our website (

The following paragraph contains the information you need:

"Now append helloworld.mmp with a macro definition to pass to the compiler. It is needed to identify the Symbian target platform. Add MACRO xxx where xxx will be one of the following: SERIES60, SERIES80, SERIES90 or SYMBIANUIQ. Also specify the application UID as a macro. Add MACRO APP_UID=0x10205D9D or MACRO APP_UID=0xF0205D9D depending on the Symbian SDK."
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Re: Starting with EDGELIB

Postby aletz87 » May 6, 2011 @ 6:07pm

Hello again
Thanks for advice, I haven't seen that paragraph before, "my bad", sorry
but now I've got another kind of problem
When I call the command build helloworld, it shows several lines like next one

" \Symbian\9.2\S60_3rd_FP1\EPOC32\RELEASE\ARMV5\UREL\edge.lib(cevent.o): In function `CSymCoreNotifyCall::CSymCoreNotifyCall()': Cevent.cpp:(.text+0x1398): undefined reference to `CTelephony::TCallStatusV1::TCallStatusV1()' "

my buil.bat file is like this

devices -setdefault
call bldmake bldfiles
call abld build gcce urel
makesis helloworld.pkg helloworld.sis
signsis -s helloworld.sis helloworld.sisx ..\res\mycert.cer ..\res\mykey.key 12345

I copied libraries from edge\lib to release\armv5\urel and release\winscw\udeb

once again thanks in advance for any help or advice

Yours, Alex.
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Re: Starting with EDGELIB

Postby aletz87 » May 6, 2011 @ 7:06pm

Hi, I fixed that, and now I only get this:

" \Symbian\9.2\S60_3rd_FP1\EPOC32\RELEASE\ARMV5\UREL\edge.lib(cevent.o):(.rodata+0x148): undefined reference to `CCoeAppUi::CCoeAppUi_Reserved1()'
\Symbian\9.2\S60_3rd_FP1\EPOC32\RELEASE\ARMV5\UREL\edge.lib(cevent.o):(.rodata+0x14c): undefined reference to `CCoeAppUi::CCoeAppUi_Reserved2()' "

Yours, Alex.
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Posts: 3
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