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Popup, timed run, notification, etc

Popup, timed run, notification, etc

Postby trysenga » Aug 15, 2012 @ 6:55pm

Is there a way with edgelib to schedule your app to pop up and interact with the user? I'm evaluating my choices for cross-platform but setting a schedule to have the app pop-up is a key feature so I need to make sure I can accomplish that first.
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Re: Popup, timed run, notification, etc

Postby edge » Aug 23, 2012 @ 11:23am

Edgelib does not currently contain functionality to send notifications to the user, let alone to start the application at arbitrary times. Current iOS limits only provide for you to send notifications that might prompt the user to (re)start the app afterwards, and Android users expects the same behaviour from their apps.

It is possible however to add your own code for scheduling notifications in conjunction with the rest of the features of Edgelib.
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