After a VERY long delay and a quiet time I have finally released a beta version of EasyCE 2.0. The biggest change is the surface stuff; I'm sure you'll all love it since it significantly simplifies the handling of graphics.
I have to update the docs, but you can have a look at the lib before I do so; there is a link to it on the tech page (http://phantom.pocketmatrix.com/tech.htm). The package includes desktop and PPC versions and a small sample application.
EasyCE 2.0 no longer is a single (huge) source file; this time you can simply add a nice lib to your project. This also makes it possible to use assembly (though I didn't do that yet).
I expect to do some work on the sprites; these do not yet take full advantage of the surfaces. I also want to add MikMod support; zlib support is already included.
Have fun,
- Jacco.