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PockeyQuake error 0x80000002 possible reason?

PockeyQuake error 0x80000002 possible reason?

Postby ShovelhEd » Mar 21, 2001 @ 10:57am

I dug this up on the web.  Probably old news to you folks but I thought any help I can provide.  Posted at the end of the Jornada thread as well but thought it a good idea to place it here as well.<br><br>EXCEPTION_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT <br>The thread tried to read or write data that is misaligned on hardware that doesn't provide alignment. . SetErrorMode() may be used to modify the system's behaviour and auto-correct such misalignment, albeit at significantly imparied performance.<br>Not found on x86 boxes, but may appear on Merced or on on CE units.

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