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Version 0.05

Re: Version 0.05

Postby CARPEDIEM » Mar 15, 2001 @ 3:54pm

Listen, this is not just for you Moose, you know everything's cool with you, But please people:<br><br>"stop trying to sound smart".<br><br>Everyday i find posts such as yours, sometimes the phrases i find overwhelm me because i don't know what they mean, but most of the times i DO know what they mean and everytime it makes no sense, so in the end you people just end up getting the opposite of what you want, that is... you don't sound smart at all, to be polite about it.<br><br>A tangent has a few mathematical meanings, one of them is the basic first grader trigonometric meaning, that is, Tan(angle) = Y/X.<br>So, although it tends to -infinity and +infinity (the limit does not exist) on x = PI/2 an infinite tangent makes no sense here.<br>The other meaning is simply a straight (i don't know the word in english but it's a line basically) what intercepts a curve in a single point, its "slope"? (i don't know how to translate that either) is obtained by derivating (i don't know that either) the function and evaluating it on the point. So... i guess an infinite tangent might be also a vertical line (which has an infinite slope). But that makes no sense either when talking about pocketquake.<br><br>So as you see, what seemed like a complex phrase "infinite tangent", was a really basic mathematical notion that every guy +15 should know about.<br><br>Now, listen, you might sound smart to people with no knowledge on the subject, but you will also always sound "not so smart" to people with basic knowledge about it. <br><br>I live basically by only one rule:<br>"Only make an opinion if you can back it up with actual knowledge on the subject"<br><br>You'll almost never hear me say "hard" words, since sometimes i don't really know what they mean, but most of the times i don't use them because i always try to make myself understood, not the opposite. I don't really care what people think about me, it sure feels good to get some support, but i hope none of you guys think im here to make you guys look up to me or any shit like that, i have a life here in argentina, you guys live around the world and will have no effect on my commercial, love or sex life.<br><br>Think about it... what do you get if people think or don't think that you are smart on the internet?<br><br><br>Last modification: CARPEDIEM - 03/15/01 at 12:54:59
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Re: Version 0.05

Postby randall » Mar 15, 2001 @ 10:36pm

Nobody is trying to sound smart. We just don't have a million years to explain "every little detail", which would be required if we constantly used proper terminology.<br><br>I took moose's "infinate tangent" as an exaggerated non-literal term. I know what infinity is; I know what a tangent is. But I also know the meaning of an "expression".<br><br>"infinate tangent" means the same as "irrelevant tangent"- meaning "going off into nowhere land".<br><br>Last modification: randall - 03/15/01 at 19:36:06
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