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Casio Users - Here Are Some Tips And A CFG File

Casio Users - Here Are Some Tips And A CFG File

Postby OrBy » Mar 16, 2001 @ 12:58am

ok here goes - i have a cfg file that maps both hardware and onscreen buttons and sets quake up to go at a good fram rate and well as tweaks some other things.<br><br>begin autoexec.cfg<br>--<br>//OrBy's Cassiopia E-125 CFG File.<br>//To turn stuff on take the "//"'s away.<br>//to turn stuff off add "//"'s to the start of the line.<br><br>//misc stuff for me "OrBy"<br>scr_conspeed "9999"<br>crosshair "1"<br>volume "0.5"<br>_cl_name "OrBy"<br>_cl_color "68.000000"<br><br>//always run on<br>cl_backspeed "400"<br>cl_forwardspeed "400"<br><br>//hardware buttons<br>bind "AUX1" "timedemo demo1" //left high<br>bind "AUX2" "vidswitch" //left low<br>bind "AUX3" "centerview" //right high<br>bind "AUX4" "+attack" //right low left<br>bind "AUX5" "+jump" //right low right<br>bind "JOY1" "" //left center<br><br>//onscreen buttons<br><br>//port mode<br><br>bind "AUX22" "god" //scream face<br>bind "AUX23" "impulse 255" //quad symbol<br>bind "AUX21" "impulse 9" //a & b<br><br>// land mode<br><br>bind "AUX10" "" //left high<br>bind "AUX11" "" //left low<br>bind "AUX12" "" //right high<br>bind "AUX13" "" //right low<br>bind "AUX14" "" //top center<br>bind "AUX15" "" //bottom center<br><br>//vid mode switch alias<br>alias "vidleft" "vid_mode 2;alias vidswitch vidright"<br>alias "vidright" "vid_mode 1;alias vidswitch vidnorm"<br>alias "vidnorm" "vid_mode 0;alias vidswitch vidleft"<br>alias "vidswitch" "vidleft"<br><br>//keeps screen from bobbing (moving and firing)<br>v_kickpitch "0"<br>v_kickroll "0"<br>v_kicktime "0"<br>cl_rollangle "0"<br>cl_rollspeed "0"<br><br>//Stuff ripped from other cfg's<br>// fov "70" //changes fov - i like normal fov<br>// _snd_mixahead "0.2" //duhh its the default why do you have to set it to what its at already???<br>vid_nopageflip "1"<br>r_maxedges "1000"<br>r_maxsurfs "400"<br>d_mipcap "1"<br>d_mipscale "0"<br>r_waterwarp "0"<br>r_maxparticles "50"<br><br>//draw gun (1=yes/0=no)<br>r_drawviewmodel "0"<br><br>//stops demo from playing at launch and drops to main menu<br>menu_main<br>--<br>end file<br><br>Now i have also done some messing around with putting full quake on my 125e and have some tips for users with small storage.<br>1) get pak explorer<br>2) extract all the files/folders from full regged quake into a dir<br>3) make a new pak0.pak file with pak explorer<br>4) put everything into it that you extracted EXCEPT the "maps" folder<br>5) make a new pak1.pak file with pak explorer<br>6) put the maps folder into it<br>7) compress pak1.pak with gzip<br>8) load both pak's into the id1 folder on you pocket pc<br><br>what this does is makes everything load and go fast while running around levels except loading levels is still a tad slow...<br><br>i found that with both pak files compressed i was getting BAD slowdown just running around maps and killing things everytime a new sound loaded or i came across a new enemy or a enemy that i had not run into for a bit.<br><br>i think this has to do with the small 6.x mb heap that pocketquake is using right now - in that its does not have the space to cache everything in a level and decompressing things on the fly is just too big of a hit...<br><br>to the mips port people - please give us the option to increase the heap size that quake takes on startup !!!

Re: Casio Users - Here Are Some Tips And A CFG File

Postby Gods Gift » Mar 16, 2001 @ 4:29am

Hiya OrBy !!<br><br>Does anyone (i.e. 999 or Carpedium) have an opinion on this cfg does it work?<br><br>that is, does it speed things up more so than 999's cfg?  <br><br>I know the answer will be suck it and see but ...
Gods Gift

Re: Casio Users - Here Are Some Tips And A CFG File

Postby Dan East » Mar 16, 2001 @ 8:41am

The vid_nopageflip "1" does nothing in Pocket Quake, because I did not implement the GAPI routines with page flipping. That var is only used by WinQuake.<br>Also, I didn't really notice a performance improvement with the view model off. Some people may like it better that way though. Same with the bob and kick settings. The same amount of work is required to render the scene regardless if the character is moving or not. Again, it may be a personal preference to not bob when walking, or kick from the weapon.<br><br>Dan East
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Re: Casio Users - Here Are Some Tips And A CFG File

Postby OrBy » Mar 16, 2001 @ 11:45am

hey thanks for that info about page flipping ! ill rip that out !<br><br>but it will have to wait for later as right now pocket quake just made me have to HARD RESET so i have to wait till i get off work to go home and rebuild my whole pocket pc from scratch ! :(<br><br>***tip to other users; dont use the flawed video menu to switch video modes - set the mode manually in the console or in the cfg file (or use my alias/bind) unless you like reloading your whole system from a backup or from scratch... but hey what do you expect from beta software :)<br><br>and a question to the people doing the mips port - why do you set the _snd_mixahead to ".2" in the autoexec.cfg when thats the default anyway in the config.cfg if the value has not been set ???

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