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PostPosted: May 12, 2004 @ 5:19pm
by Brig

PostPosted: Feb 4, 2006 @ 11:05pm
by MZGuy

So, anyone wants to solve maths problems this weekend? Here's your chance! :P It's not exactly rocket science, but I'm not sure if there's a solution to the following problem:

f(x,y) = arctan(|y/x|) is a continuous function. Can it be extended to be a continuous function defined in all of R^2?

I'm thinking you could define it as for example:
f(x,y) = arctan(|y/x|) when x!=0 and
(π/2) - arctan(|x/y|) when x = 0 && y!=0

But it is still not continuous in (0,0). If I approach (0,0) along the x-axis, f approaches 0, while it seems to approach (π/4) if I go diagonally (t,t) -> (0,0). So is the answer simply no, or am I missing something? Thoughts?

P.S Yes this is for a university course, but cooperation is encouraged by the professor ;)

PostPosted: Feb 4, 2006 @ 11:52pm
by sandmann
This is indeed a pressing problem, and consequently I will put the full weight of my undergraduate education behind addressing it. Behold, now, the practical value of the philosophy degree:

Mathematics is simply a category of understanding that humans, by necessity, apply to reality in order to 'construct' a way of understanding it. It's a fiction that we created out of a lack of any other way to behold and explain natural phenomena.

Take that, math majors!

PostPosted: Feb 5, 2006 @ 12:34am
by jurgen

PostPosted: Feb 5, 2006 @ 12:37am
by David Horn

PostPosted: Feb 5, 2006 @ 12:40am
by jurgen

PostPosted: Feb 5, 2006 @ 12:56am
by David Horn

PostPosted: Feb 5, 2006 @ 2:29am
by jurgen

PostPosted: Feb 5, 2006 @ 3:52am
by sandmann

PostPosted: Feb 5, 2006 @ 5:53am
by jurgen

PostPosted: Feb 5, 2006 @ 4:40pm
by David Horn

PostPosted: Feb 6, 2006 @ 5:05am
by damian

PostPosted: Feb 6, 2006 @ 6:18am
by sandmann

PostPosted: Feb 7, 2006 @ 4:57am
by Brig

PostPosted: Feb 7, 2006 @ 5:42am
by sandmann