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Web site Password Scripts

Web site Password Scripts

Postby W3bD£v1l » May 31, 2001 @ 2:58pm

HELP<br>HELP<br>tons of people are accessing my site and getting to sensitive data from someone who leaked the URL of a certain restricted page that lets you gain access to other drives on the network (dont ask)<br><br>And i want to put a password field down.<br><br>does anyone have any password form handlers?<br>Or anything related?????<br><br>??????????????????????????????????????????????????I really want only people I trust to access these sites<br><br>Oh, and dont suggest putting things in the _Private directory, as when i do that, a new _Private directory is made inside that directory<br><br>Oh, I use FrontPage 200 and I'm about to start using DreamWeaver<br><br>honestly, Microsoft should have made the password generation feautres a bit easier to use.<br><br>If there are any spelling mistakes, blame Dell computer corp for making hard to use keyboards
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Re: Web site Password Scripts

Postby 999 » May 31, 2001 @ 3:30pm

There are a few low tech ways of keeping ppl out, but there will always be people trying to get access.<br><br>You can setup a redirect to the page, like a account. They allow you to ban IPs with their redirector, so at least that way, you can restrict who's getting there via that conduit.<br><br>Next, you can run a frameset which relies on other frames being present. If they're not there, it will shoot you back to a specified URL.<br><br>There are also some freeware password setups, which are a little more intensive, but still hackable. The only password sites that my contacts have problems with are the kind where the input boxes are embedded into the html page. The other and more common kind which popup a seperate log/pass dialog window are easily cracked.<br><br>Take a look at for some simple java password routines. These ones are a little more complex than just making a "secret" directory on your site.<br><br>Without programming knowledge, or the proper tools to do it, you're limited to how "safe" you can make your pages.<br><br>
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Postby W3bD£v1l » Jun 1, 2001 @ 11:48am

Well i've got FrontPage, that has a built-in Microsoft JScript compiler. So I just download the java file and then import it?<br><br>But all I want is a simple form with a password field. I dont care much about it being hacked. Most of the ppl who would try to gain access dont even know what HTML stands for, let alone know how to hack password fields (unless they spent 200 hours trying out different combinations)
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Re: Web site Password Scripts

Postby W3bD£v1l » Jun 1, 2001 @ 12:49pm

the Java scripts i've tried DO NOT work<br><br>i just want a password field text box and a form handler compatible w/ FP2K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Web site Password Scripts

Postby 999 » Jun 1, 2001 @ 1:23pm

Your first problem FP2k.<br><br>I'd rather do my pages in notes on my iPAQ with transcriber than use FP2k.<br><br>*If* you're going to use a WYSIWYG html editor, than at least use Macromedia's Dreamweaver.<br><br>You don't have to do anything special to use java applets, simply point to it jar or whatever the file is called on your server, and that should be it. You can click the Coffee cup icon in DW, select your Jar file, and enter any other needed info like applet dimensions etc in the properties tool box. It's a real simple 3 step process.<br><br>If your server supports ASP, I can make a simple ASP password entry page for you. I seriously suck at programming, but dammn man, ASP is simple shite. I can post the script here, and you can just paste it into your html document (renaming it to .asp when done).<br><br>
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Postby W3bD£v1l » Jun 1, 2001 @ 8:11pm

I'm not very good at using DW<br>I mean FP tells you how to do a password field, i just need a handler. I hate to be pushing anyone, but tons of sites made using FP have password forms with handlers. i'm not very good at Java (IE I know nothing about it)the only languages I know are BASIC, LOGO, and a tiny amount of HTML. so does anyone have any handlers? and does angelfire support ASP? (but when u use ASP you cant put the pages in the navigation view) But thanks for all ur help
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Re: Web site Password Scripts

Postby Warren » Jun 2, 2001 @ 3:13pm

Get a firewall for your website. Zone Alarm is the best, and is free.
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Re: Web site Password Scripts

Postby W3bD£v1l » Jun 8, 2001 @ 11:03pm

OKOKOK, but thats not what I meant.<br><br>i've got DreamWeaver 4<br>i've got FireWorks 4<br>i've got Flash 5<br>i've got FrontPage 2000<br><br>I know that you can put a password thingie in Flash, but you do I go around doing that? eh?<br><br>Does anyone have any pre-made Flash .fla files (not .SWF) that have a password form in them, and all the stuff like that, so you just have to configure what the PW is and where the button will link to if the PW is correct???/ if anyone had one of those i would be, like, so greatful, ditto if they have an HTML document with the same stuff.
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